


The course is made possible through funding by the Daniels Family NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities) Distinguished Teaching Professorship in 2022-2023. Special thanks to the following teammates who have played different roles and tirelessly worked together to complete the experiment of the technology-mediated task-based Chinese language course at different stages in the three-year timeframe.


  1. Dr. Yan Gao (高燕)
    Technology Coordination
  2. Dr. Ziyi Geng (耿子怡)
    Playposit interactive videos and material development
  3. Assistants
    Graduate assistant: Yujia Sun (孙雨佳)
    Undergraduate student assistant: Yulun Wu (吴宇伦)
    Teaching Fellow: Chun-Yen Chang (张郡巌)
    Graduate assistant for internship: Yanan Shan (单雅男); Chenlu Peng (彭辰璐)
    Other graduate assistants for internship

I am also deeply grateful to students enrolled in CHIN3020 for their active participation in the exciting and inspirational virtual journey and for their valuable comments on possible improvements.

Finally, special thanks to the UVA library team that has provided timely advice and support to make possible the release of this OER site. The advisory team at the UVA library includes Judith Thomas, Bethany Mickel, Brandon Butler, Dave Griles, and Winston Barham.