
UNIT 1 第一单元

4. 教学性复习任务


Prepare For In-Class Integrated Review

Integrated Review

STEP 1: Identify organizational devices

Please underline the organizational devices that connect a string of thoughts and ideas in the following two passages entitled “比较四合院与公寓” and 大兴机场。For each passage, underline 2-3 points that you feel most impressed by and explain why.

传统四合院与公寓有很多差异(=差别)。首先,在方向方面,传统四合院坐北朝南,大门位于东南方,而公寓面向东南西北都可以。其次(=再则),单层四合院的房间(数)比单层公寓(更)多,面积也大多了。除此之外,四合院遵循许多传统建筑规则,比如说,庭院在中间, 周围是房屋,有回廊,圆形拱门,也有各式各样古色古香的艺术装饰。相比之下,现代公寓简单多了,没有什么建筑特色。总而言之,四合院的建筑历史悠久,象征不同的文化寓意,不是三言两语可以说完的。



STEP 2: Add more thoughts to compare

The above passage about 四合院 concludes with the sentence “不是三言两语可以说完的.”  Now it’s your turn to add 2-3 aspects of differences between these two styles of house design.  Refer to the following to demonstrate a diversity of accurate use of grammatical structures.

  1. A比B + (更) adjective
  2. A比B + adjective (得多/多了,一点儿)
  3. A 比较 (relatively is an adverb here) + adjective
  4. A没有B那么adjective = A 不如B +adjective
  5. 拿A跟B比较/相比, A/B…… (comparing A with B; 比较and相比 are verbs here)
  6. 相比之下,A/B…… (By contrast; an independent phrase that occurs before a clause or a complete sentence)

Note: 比较 in 3 is an adverb that occurs before an adjective, whereas 比较 in 5 is a verb.

The above passage about 大兴机场 highlights what make visitors feel most impressed by. Please use the above structures to compare it with an airport that you visited in the US.

STEP 3: Agree or Disagree?

By now, you have arrived in Beijing and moved into 单层现代四合院. Do you agree with the following statements that are claimed as advantages of 四合院 in the authentic text on Day 2 of Unit 1? Circle the degree of agreement or disagreement in the following table and provide supporting ideas.

1单层建筑接地气 (很)同意    不(太)同意
2坡屋顶让自然风进入院内 (很)同意           不(太)同意
3建筑和庭院的典型设计 (很)同意           不(太)同意
4房间的等级和空间的层次 (很)同意           不(太)同意
5精美的艺术装饰 (很)同意           不(太)同意

Adverb (e.g., 很,不太) 同意+thought/idea/statement【 你的(这个/那个/这样的/那样的)说法、看法、想法、观点、论点】


STEP 4: 复习第一单元四字词语

紫气东来  (zǐ qì dōng lái)  The purple air comes from the East. — a propitious omen

e.g. 东南风象征紫气东来。

坐北朝南 (zuò běi cháo nán)  sitting on the north, facing the south

e.g. 这间房子坐北朝南,风水很好。

吉祥平安 (jí xiáng píng ān)  auspicious and safe

e.g. 中国人过年的时候会点灯笼(dēng long lantern),象征吉祥平安。

思维方式 (sī wéi fang shì)  way of thinking

e.g. 中西方思维方式的不同体现在建筑设计中。

各有所长 (gè yǒu suǒ cháng)  each has its own strong points

e.g. 班里的同学各有所长,都很优秀。

优劣之分 (yōu liè zhī fēn)  discrimination between good and bad

e.g. 每个国家的人都是平等的,没有优劣之分。

男尊女卑 (nán zūn nǚ bēi)  to regard men as superior to women (lit. ‘men honored and women debased’)

e.g. 现在大多数中国人认为男尊女卑是落后的思想。

长幼有序  (zhǎng yòu yǒu xù)  showing respect from the younger to the elder

e.g. 中国传统建筑设计体现了长幼有序的规则。

古色古香 (gǔ sè gǔ xiāng)  quaint; having an antique air

e.g. 这座小城有很多古色古香的建筑。

文化遗产 (wén huà yí chǎn) cultural heritage; cultural legacies

e.g. 北美的印第安人(yìn dì ān rén American Indians)有很多文化遗产。


Instructions: 你已经在北京待了一个半月了,去过“世界新七大奇迹之首”的大兴机场,也住进了现代单层四合院。今天,你要担任大兴机场或四合院的讲解员(docent),为来这里参观的游客介绍。Please choose ONE topic (四合院 or 大兴机场)to introduce it. Pay attention to the mode and style of your introduction like a real docent.


TASK 1:四合院讲解员(docent)

STEP 1. Complete the following table by typing as many words, expressions, and structures as possible. Feel free to refer to ppt slides, handouts, your notes, etc. Remember to watch the video provided at the last row of the table and tell us what you have learned. Get ready to share your table and brainstorm at Wednesday’s review class.

STEP 2. You have now organized the introduction content of 四合院. Now Let’s try to introduce 四合院 according to the template suggested below.


Opening & Greeting

大家好,今天很荣幸有这个机会担任……解说员, 能为你们服务,感到特别兴奋。


我是中美交流访问团的学生,来自美国弗吉尼亚大学, 这个学期在北京当交换生。我对四合院有非常浓厚的兴趣,(说明你对…….产生浓厚兴趣/好奇的原因:什么时候开始有兴趣?受到谁的影响?在哪儿? 为什么有兴趣?What, when, where, how, why?)。

Core Introduction

  1. 四合院的建筑设计特色
  2. 四合院的文化象征寓意
  3. 四合院体现的中国传统文化思维
  4. 传统四合院与现代四合院的差异
  5. 其他(门当户对and more)





TASK 2:大兴机场讲解员

STEP 1. Complete the following table by typing as many words, expressions, and structures as possible. Feel free to refer to ppt slides, handouts, your notes, etc. Remember to watch the video provided at the last row of the table and tell us what you have learned. Get ready to share your table and brainstorm at Wednesday’s review class.

STEP 2. You have organized the introduction content of 大兴机场.  Now Let’s try to introduce 大兴机场 according to the template suggested below.


Opening & Greeting

大家好,今天很荣幸有这个机会担任……解说员, 能为你们服务,感到特别兴奋。


我是中美交流访问团的学生,来自美国弗吉尼亚大学, 这个学期在北京当交换生。我对大兴机场有非常浓厚的兴趣,(说明你对…….产生浓厚兴趣/好奇的原因:什么时候开始有兴趣?受到谁的影响?在哪儿? 为什么有兴趣?What, when, where, how, why?)。

Core Introduction

  1. 现代化值机流程
  2. 机场设计和设施(she4 shi1 facility)
  3. 大兴机场创造的世界奇迹
  4. 其他(你看过的视频片段)


非常谢谢各位今天来参观大兴机场,如果有什么问题,你们现在可以问我,我非常乐意为各位服务, 回答问题。




Discuss the pre-task that students have completed!




  1. Source from https://www.sgss8.com/tpdq/2639580/