
UNIT 2 第二单元

5. 真实性总结任务


Read task-in-action guidelines

The task in Action 北大与弗大学生的对话

  1. 我们在北京多久了?
  2. 我们一起体验了什么?
  3. 我们现在在哪儿?
    (非好汉: fēihǎohàn = 不是好的男人; 非=不是;汉=男人)
  4. 我们现在在做什么?



ROLE 角色1: 弗大中美交流访问团的学生

ROLE 角色2: 北京大学本科生(出生于北京)


Requirement 1 

你必须准备两个角色的内容,表演以前现场马上抽签(draw lots) 决定是哪一个角色。

Requirement 2


For either role, you should NOT simply ask or respond to questions. The dialogue is interactive and responsive in nature. Namely, the person who asks questions should also state his/her experience or/and opinions and comment on what his/her partner says.



PART I: 校园生活学习方面 (DAY 1)

熄灯  刷夜  深夜食堂  精神食粮  顶尖大学 搬砖搞学术   枯燥  交流
双学位   专业(主修)  辅修   有机会  跟随大师/学术大咖


在模拟联合国会议上  纵论国际局势


PART II: 北京的美食 (Days 2-3)

  1. 你跟你这一组的同学点了什么菜?
  2. 说说北京烤鸭这道名菜的1) 特色, 2) 味道, 3) 吃法, 与4) 你对这道菜的评价。
  3. 再说一说第二道菜的1) 特色, 2) 味道, 3) 吃法, 与4) 你对这道菜的评价。


4-Word Expressions for commenting on the uniqueness of dishes

让人/令人 or 吃了以后 + 唇齿留香,回味无穷
Additional 4-word expressions: 大开眼界, 大饱口福/眼福


Adverbial connectors for describing order or procedure



Note 1: The three connectors接下来,然后,再occur and alternate in the middle of oral narration.

Note 2: You will introduce the 2nd dish that you ordered at 老北京饭馆 when you take Mid-Term 1. This allows more time for you to prepare and practice. We will recycle and review this part when we start reviewing Mid-term 1.


PART III: 比较北大与弗大打卡内容与历史文化遗产 (Day 4)

See details in Day 4 Integrated Review Task Handout

Grading Criteria (20%)

A. Information & Content (5 pts.)

Demonstrate understanding of the content of learned materials

5: Relevant and well-organized with a wealth of information and detailed descriptions, great effort in providing comments and opinions in response to what the partner says

4: Relevant and organized with a good amount of information and descriptions, effort in providing comments and opinions in response to what the partner says

3: Relevant and organized with some information and descriptions, some effort in providing comments and opinions in response to what the partner says

2: Somehow relevant with limited information and descriptions, limited effort in providing comments and opinions in response to what the partner says

0-1: Irrelevant with little information and descriptions, little effort in responding to and commenting on what the partner says


B. Language Use (12 pts.)

Demonstrate ability to incorporate language use at the advanced level 

11-12: A string of well-connected sentences, a variety of structures and comparison devices, rich vocabulary and idiomatic expressions, excellent coherent and cohesive devices,

9-10: A string of connected sentences, different structures and comparison devices, appropriate vocabulary and idiomatic expressions, good coherent and cohesive devices

7-8: A string of connected sentences, some structures and comparison devices, some vocabulary and idiomatic expressions, coherent and cohesive devices

5-6: A string of sentences, few structures and comparison devices, vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and coherent and cohesive devices

3-4: A string of simple and discrete sentences, very limited use of vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, comparison devices, and coherent and cohesive devices

0-2: Several simple and discrete sentences and lack of appropriate vocabulary and expressions






A跟B 不一样/一样(不相同/相同)

A没有B那么 adjective

A不如B adjective


C. Fluency & Effort (3 pts.)

Demonstrate mastery of pronunciation and confidence in speaking 

3: No pauses and hesitation, no reliance on written notes, direct eye contacts almost all the time, and comprehensible pronunciation, great effort for sustaining the dialogue

2: Several pauses and hesitation, occasional reliance on written notes, some direct eye contacts, and mostly comprehensible pronunciation, some effort for sustaining the dialogue

0-1: Some pauses, heavy reliance on written notes, limited direct eye contacts, and some incomprehensible pronunciation, little effort for sustaining the dialogue


D. Time length: 7- 8 minutes

(1 pt. deduction for a shorter length)
