
UNIT 1 第一单元

5. 真实性总结任务




Task in Action Guidelines 

第一单元 总结性任务


  1. 我们是谁?
  1. 我们在北京多久了?
  1. 我们一起体验了什么?
  1. 我们现在在哪儿?
  1. 我们现在在做什么?


  1. 你这两周做了什么?有什么感受?心情怎么样?
  2. 请你说一说四合院的建筑特色。
  3. 请你比较一下四合院与公寓的差异(差别=不同)。
  4. 请你介绍一下你住的四合院。
  5. 说一说住在四合院的优点和你的看法。
  6. 大兴机场被誉为“世界新七大奇迹,”请你谈一谈大兴机场让你印象最深刻的地方。

Grading Criteria (20%)

A. Information & Content (5 pts.)

Demonstrate understanding of the content of learned materials

5: Relevant and well-organized with a wealth of information and detailed descriptions

4: Relevant and organized with a good amount of information and descriptions

3: Relevant and organized with some information and descriptions

2: Somehow relevant with limited information and descriptions

0-1: Irrelevant with little information and descriptions


B. Language Use (12 pts.)

Demonstrate ability to incorporate language use at the advanced level 

11-12: A string of well-connected sentences, a variety of structures, rich vocabulary and idiomatic expressions, excellent coherent and cohesive devices

9-10: A string of connected sentences, different structures, appropriate vocabulary and idiomatic expressions, good coherent and cohesive devices

7-8: A string of connected sentences, some structures, some vocabulary and idiomatic expressions, coherent and cohesive devices

5-6: A string of sentences, few structures, vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and coherent and cohesive devices

3-4: A string of simple and discrete sentences, very limited use of vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and coherent and cohesive devices

0-2: Several simple and discrete sentences and lack of appropriate vocabulary and expressions


C. Fluency (3 pts.)

Demonstrate mastery of pronunciation and public speaking skills

3: No pauses and hesitation, no reliance on written notes, direct eye contacts almost all the time, and comprehensible pronunciation

2: Several pauses and hesitation, occasional reliance on written notes, some direct eye contacts, and mostly comprehensible pronunciation

0-1: Some pauses, heavy reliance on written notes, limited direct eye contacts, and some incomprehensible pronunciation

The Task In Action Video


Instructions: 你已经在北京待了一个半月了,去过“世界新七大奇迹之首”的大兴机场,也住进了现代单层四合院。今天,你要担任大兴机场或四合院的讲解员(docent),为来这里参观的游客介绍。Please choose ONE topic (四合院 or 大兴机场)to introduce it. Pay attention to the mode and style of your introduction like a real docent.

TASK 1:四合院讲解员(docent)



Opening & Greeting

大家好,今天很荣幸有这个机会担任……解说员, 能为你们服务,感到特别兴奋。



我是中美交流访问团的学生,来自美国弗吉尼亚大学, 这个学期在北京当交换生。我对四合院有非常浓厚的兴趣,(说明你对…….产生浓厚兴趣/好奇的原因:什么时候开始有兴趣?受到谁的影响?在哪儿? 为什么有兴趣?What, when, where, how, why?)。


Core Introduction

  1. 四合院的建筑设计特色

  2. 四合院的文化象征寓意

  3. 四合院体现的中国传统文化思维

  4. 传统四合院与现代四合院的差异

  5. 其他(门当户对and more)



TASK 2:大兴机场讲解员



Opening & Greeting

大家好,今天很荣幸有这个机会担任……解说员, 能为你们服务,感到特别兴奋。



我是中美交流访问团的学生,来自美国弗吉尼亚大学, 这个学期在北京当交换生。我对大兴机场有非常浓厚的兴趣,(说明你对…….产生浓厚兴趣/好奇的原因:什么时候开始有兴趣?受到谁的影响?在哪儿? 为什么有兴趣?What, when, where, how, why?)。


Core Introduction

  1. 现代化值机流程

  2. 机场设计和设施(she4 shi1 facility)

  3. 大兴机场创造的世界奇迹

  4. 其他(你看过的视频片段)


非常谢谢各位今天来参观大兴机场,如果有什么问题,你们现在可以问我,我非常乐意为各位服务, 回答问题。


A. Information & Content (5 pts.)

Demonstrate understanding of the content of learned materials

5: Relevant and well-organized with a wealth of information and detailed descriptions

4: Relevant and organized with a good amount of information and descriptions

3: Relevant and organized with some information and descriptions

2: Somehow relevant with limited information and descriptions

0-1: Irrelevant with little information and descriptions


B. Language Use (12 pts.)

Demonstrate ability to incorporate language use at the advanced level 

11-12: A string of well-connected sentences, a variety of structures, rich vocabulary and idiomatic expressions, excellent coherent and cohesive devices

9-10: A string of connected sentences, different structures, appropriate vocabulary and idiomatic expressions, good coherent and cohesive devices

7-8: A string of connected sentences, some structures, some vocabulary and idiomatic expressions, coherent and cohesive devices

5-6: A string of sentences, few structures, vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and coherent and cohesive devices

3-4: A string of simple and discrete sentences, very limited use of vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and coherent and cohesive devices

0-2: Several simple and discrete sentences and lack of appropriate vocabulary and expressions


C. Fluency (3 pts.)

Demonstrate mastery of pronunciation and public speaking skills

3: No pauses and hesitation, no reliance on written notes, direct eye contacts almost all the time, and comprehensible pronunciation

2: Several pauses and hesitation, occasional reliance on written notes, some direct eye contacts, and mostly comprehensible pronunciation

0-1: Some pauses, heavy reliance on written notes, limited direct eye contacts, and some incomprehensible pronunciation