UNIT 2 第二单元
3. 逛前门品尝美食(II)
5:23 – 5:51
6:36 – 7:30
面对片好的鸭子,食客们会根据自己的喜好选择合适的吃法。薄如蝉翼的荷叶饼,抹上甜面酱,夹几片金黄油亮的鸭肉,合着葱丝、黄瓜条,一并紧紧卷成团状。清淡益口,皮酥肉嫩,香而不腻,回味无穷,确是别具风味的极致美食。也可将酱油和蒜泥拌匀,同烤鸭肉一起用饼卷着吃。喜欢吃甜的食客,还可以把鸭片直接蘸白糖吃 。用空心芝麻烧饼来夹烤鸭肉吃,味道也是极佳。
北京烤鸭 词汇表 Vocabulary
Vocabulary | Pinyin | English Meaning |
传承 | chuán chéng | to inherit (v.); inheritance (n.) |
演变 | yǎn biàn | to develop; to evolve |
历久弥香 | lì jiǔ mí xiāng | The quality of sth remains without aging and becomes even better as time goes by |
逐渐 | zhú jiàn | gradually |
庖丁解鸭 | páo dīng jiě yā | dismember a duck (originally an ox) as skillful as the great butcher named Pao Ding (idiom) |
可谓 | kě wèi | one may well say |
大饱眼福 | dà bǎo yǎn fú | to feast one’s eyes |
技艺高超 | jì yì gāo chāo | highly skilled |
片 | piàn | to slice (v.)-片出; a slice of (measure word) |
食客 | shí kè | restaurant customer |
薄如蝉翼 | báo rú chán yì | be as thin as a cicada’s wings |
荷叶饼 | hé yè bǐng | lotus leaf shaped pancake |
抹 | mǒ | to spread |
甜面酱 | tiān miàn jiàng | sweet sauce made of fermented flour |
清淡益口 | qīng dàn yì kǒu | the food is light seasoned and has an enjoyable taste |
皮酥肉嫩 | pí sū ròu nèn | the skin is flaky and crispy and the meat is tender |
香而不腻 | xiāng ér bú nì | delicious and not greasy or fatty |
回味无穷 | huí wèi wú qióng | leaving a rich aftertaste |
别具风味 | bié jù fēng wèi | having unique and original flavors |
蒜泥 | suàn ní | mashed garlic |
蘸 | zhàn | to dip sth. in sth. |
空心 | kōng xīn | hollow; empty |
芝麻烧饼 | zhī ma shāo bǐng | baked Chinese sesame scones |
夹 | jiā | to fill with |
Grammar Structures
- sth+越发+adj adverb gradually
e.g. 她的中文说得越发流利。 - 可谓 one may well say (=可以说是;可以称为)
Structure: clause/phrase + 可谓 + adj./idiomatic expression
e.g. 老北京的四合院可谓中国北方传统建筑文化的灵魂。
- sth+越发+adj adverb gradually
1:50 – 2:08
3:42 – 4:59
0 – 1:16
网红李子柒兰州拉面 词汇表 Vocabulary
Vocabulary | Pinyin | English Meaning |
浸泡 | jìn pào | to soak |
蒜苗 | suàn miáo | garlic sprouts |
香菜 | xiāng cài | cilantro |
香料 | xiāng liào | spice |
生姜 | shēng jiāng | ginger |
撇去浮沫 | piě qù fú mò | to remove the floating foam |
吊汤 | diào tāng | to simmer the soup for a relatively long time |
抹 | mǒ | to spread |
数一数二 | shǔ yī shǔ èr | one of the best; outstanding |
拉面 | lā miàn | stretched noodles |
协调有序 | xié tiáo yǒu xù | orderly arranged and coordinated |
犹如 | yóu rú | like; seemingly, as if |
乐弦 | yuè xián | musical chord |
轻绕 | qīng rào | to lightly wrap around |
回环往复 | huí huán wǎng fù | to stretch the noodles back and forth |
行云流水 | xíng yún liú shuǐ | literally means “moving clouds and flowing water”; extended as “very natural and smooth style of doing sth.” |
宛如…一般 | wǎn rú …yī bān | as if … |
拉抻 | lā chēn | to stretch |
魔术表演 | mó shù biǎo yǎn | magic performance |
游丝 | yóu sī | a thin thread resembling silk |
火焰 | huǒ yàn | flame |
叹为观止 | tàn wéi guān zhǐ | to acclaim as the peak of perfection |
Grammar Structures
- 首先…接下来…然后…最后…
e.g. 做一碗拉面首先要和好面,接下来要拉面,然后要用骨头熬汤,最后要煮面。 - 除了…还要… In addition to…,…
e.g. 熬汤除了要控制好温度,还要控制好时间。 - 不仅可以…,甚至可以…
e.g. 在北京大学学习,不仅可以和中国的大咖一起做实验,甚至可以和国外的教授一起讨论学术问题。 - sth. 令人/让人…
e.g. 老北京火锅的味道令人回味无穷。
驴打滚 -1
0 – 0:30
驴打滚 – 2
0 – 0:08
1:28 – 1:54
2:09 – 2:51
驴打滚 词汇表 Vocabulary
Vocabulary | Pinyin | English Meaning |
护国寺 | hù guó sì | proper noun (a traditional Beijing restaurant specializing in northern street food and dishes) |
提供 | tí gōng | to provide, to supply |
历经时日 | lì jīng shí rì | with time goes by |
依然 | yī rán | still; be the same as before |
络绎不绝 | luò yì bù jué | continuously; in an endless stream (idiom) |
经典 | jīng diǎn | classic |
豌豆黄 | wān dòu huáng | Beijing sweet pease pudding |
驴打滚 | lǘ dǎ gǔn | glutinous rice rolls with sweet bean flour |
驴 | lǘ | donkey |
扬 | yáng | to kick up (a cloud of dust) |
豆面 | dòu miàn’r | bean powder |
撒 | sǎ | to scatter; to spill |
糯米面 | nuò mǐ miàn’r | sticky rice powder |
蒸 | zhēng | to steam |
豆沙馅儿 | dòu shā xiàn’r | red bean paste |
擀 | ɡǎn | to roll |
抹上 | mǒ shàng | to spread |
刮 | guā | to daub sth. over sth. |
抹 | mǒ | to spread |
摁 | èn | to press |
漏 | lòu | to leak |
Grammar Structures
- sth. 最经典的是…
e.g. 护国寺小吃最经典的是驴打滚和豌豆黄。 - 来回+ (to do sth.) back and forth
e.g. 拉面师傅把和好的面来回拉了两次。
Pre-task 1 EdPuzzle
北京烤鸭 (required)
下面三道菜是北京前门大街的美食,请选北京烤鸭与另外一道菜,先介绍这两道菜的色香味,再用连接词(connectors) 描述吃法或做法。
连接词: 首先,接下来,然后,最后 (先,再,然后, 最后)
1 北京烤鸭的吃法 | 色香味与吃法 |
[1] | 色香味:看起来,吃起来,味道
吃法:首先,接下来,然后,最后 |
2 驴打滚的吃法 | 色香味与吃法 |
[2] | 色香味:看起来,吃起来,味道
吃法:首先,接下来,然后,最后 |
3 兰州拉面的做法 | 色香味与做法 |
[3] | 香味:看起来,吃起来,味道
做法:首先,接下来,然后,最后 |
Part I: 手写汉字 Handwritten Characters
Please handwrite the characters that are highlighted in yellow at least 5 times. 每个汉字至少写5次 Feel free to write additional characters that you feel necessary and interesting.
PART II: 手写短文Handwritten Self-composed Short Essay
TOPIC: 品尝中国北京美食:北京烤鸭
今天我们在全聚德餐厅点菜,也与中国名厨对话,了解北京烤鸭与其他名菜的做法、吃法等等。请用以上黄色的词汇写一篇短文,描述北京烤鸭的吃法、特色、味道与你对北京烤鸭的评价与看法。如果你有时间(optional for extra credit),愿意多写一些,你也可以描述你自己点的那道菜。Use the above characters highlighted in yellow (as many as possible) and the following grammatical structures to handwrite a short self-composed essay at a minimum of 120 characters. Remember to use 4-word expressions to the best of your ability to describe this most famous dish in Beijing 北京烤鸭。
Grammar Structures:
- sth+越发+adj adverb gradually
e.g. 她的中文说得越发流利。 - 可谓 one may well say (=可以说是;可以称为)
Structure: clause/phrase + 可谓 + adj./idiomatic expression
e.g. 老北京的四合院可谓中国北方传统建筑文化的灵魂。
chuán chéng
to inherit (v.); inheritance (n.)
yǎn biàn
to develop; to evolve
lì jiǔ mí xiāng
The quality of sth remains without aging and becomes even better as time goes by
zhú jiàn
páo dīng jiě yā
dismember a duck (originally an ox) as skillful as the great butcher named Pao Ding (idiom)
kě wèi
one may well say
dà bǎo yǎn fú
to feast one's eyes
jì yì gāo chāo
highly skilled
to slice (v.)-片出; a slice of (measure word)
shí kè
restaurant customer
báo rú chán yì
be as thin as a cicada’s wings
hé yè bǐng
lotus leaf shaped pancake
to spread
tiān miàn jiàng
sweet sauce made of fermented flour
qīng dàn yì kǒu
the food is light seasoned and has an enjoyable taste
pí sū ròu nèn
the skin is flaky and crispy and the meat is tender
xiāng ér bú nì
delicious and not greasy or fatty
huí wèi wú qióng
leaving a rich aftertaste
bié jù fēng wèi
having unique and original flavors
suàn ní
mashed garlic
to dip sth. in sth.
kōng xīn
hollow; empty
zhī ma shāo bǐng
baked Chinese sesame scones
to fill with
jìn pào
to soak
suàn miáo
garlic sprouts
xiāng cài
xiāng liào
shēng jiāng
piě qù fú mò
to remove the floating foam
diào tāng
to simmer the soup for a relatively long time
shǔ yī shǔ èr
one of the best; outstanding
lā miàn
stretched noodles
xié tiáo yǒu xù
orderly arranged and coordinated
yóu rú
like; seemingly, as if
yuè xián
musical chord
qīng rào
to lightly wrap around
huí huán wǎng fù
to stretch the noodles back and forth
wǎn rú ...yī bān
as if ...
xíng yún liú shuǐ
literally means "moving clouds and flowing water"; extended as "very natural and smooth style of doing sth."
lā chēn
to stretch
mó shù biǎo yǎn
magic performance
yóu sī
a thin thread resembling silk
huǒ yàn
tàn wéi guān zhǐ
to acclaim as the peak of perfection
hù guó sì
proper noun (a traditional Beijing restaurant specializing in northern street food and dishes)
tí gōng
to provide, to supply
lì jīng shí rì
with time goes by
yī rán
still; be the same as before
luò yì bù jué
continuously; in an endless stream (idiom)
jīng diǎn
wān dòu huáng
Beijing sweet pease pudding
lǘ dǎ gǔn
glutinous rice rolls with sweet bean flour
to kick up (a cloud of dust)
dòu miàn'r
bean powder
to scatter; to spill
nuò mǐ miàn'r
sticky rice powder
to steam
dòu shā xiàn'r
red bean paste
to roll
mǒ shàng
to spread
to daub sth. over sth.
to press
to leak