
Unit 3 第三单元

DAY 6 社区学习体验

3rd CBEL

Unit 3 CBEL 跟中国朋友见面



PART I: 手机与健康



  1. 你离得开手机吗?你说一说你每天使用手机的情况。如果一天没有手机,你会怎么样?一个星期呢?一个月呢?
  2. 介绍一个你最喜欢的手机软件跟这个软件的功能(gōngnéng; function)。
  3. 使用手机给我们的生活带来哪些便利?对我们的生活有什么影响?
  4. 你认为什么是“无手机焦虑症”?你是否有无手机焦虑症?有哪些焦虑的表现?请举例说明。
  5. 你知道哪些缓解手机焦虑症的方法?哪些方法最有效?
  6. 你有哪些使用手机的坏习惯?打算怎么改变这些坏习惯?改变的方法,说得越多越好。

Impact and influence

A对 B 有(很好的/很大的/不良的)影响


A 导致/造成 + negative consequence

表达看法 Expressing opinions

在我看来    对我来说 =  对我而言 (more formal)

我同意你的看法/说法/意见 (错的:我同意跟你)—>英文对你们写的中文有影响!

在…….中 总而言之 一方面……,但(是)另一方面….. 因此

只要 + sentence (condition = as long as) ,就 + result




  1. 社交媒体 (shè jiāo méi tǐ) – social media
  2. 查阅资料 (chá yuè zī liào) – researching/checking information
  3. 网络购物(wǎng luò gòu wù)-online shopping
  4. 打发时间 (dǎ fā shí jiān) – killing time
  5. 移动支付(yí dòng zhī fù) – mobile payment
  6. 获取信息information retrieval
  1. Statement,甚至连N/NP都(不/没)VP (even)
  2. Resultative complement: 看到,看完
  3. 如果….., 就会/能/可以/应该……



害怕    培养兴趣爱好   为了       提醒    限制   缓解    感到    (感到)不知所措     无法    缓解

A跟B达成协议     向+人+寻求建议      专注于+st.


ENGLISH Reflections 英文反思

  1. Do you think this unit on 手机与健康 is a topic worth of learning and exploring? Why?
  2. What are the learning points (habits, concepts, values, reminders, etc.) that you have gained from this unit?
  3. Like Units 1-2, this unit ends with a plan for potential change to how you use your smartphone, i.e., making something better or more beneficial. Do you feel that pre-tasks, core-tasks, and  post-tasks  were well-designed? Why?

    Note: we canceled the post-task to make it time-effective since 1) it was fully covered and discussed at Friday’s class (no rush), and 2) it has been included in CBEL 3 for review (guided by your Chinese friend). Revisit what we did on Days 1-3.

    Day 1: 使用手机的情况 (connect with your real-life experience: discuss my habits of using a  smartphone)

    Day 2: 我是否有手机焦虑症 (reflect on my habits to bring your self-awareness of your habit that may need to change for better life/experience)

    Day 3: 缓解手机焦虑症的方法 (explore potential resolutions to making our life/health better)

  4. We had Friday’s class in ZOOM before the fall break. During the 50-minute class, we did the following:
    (1)warm-up chatting
    (2)reviewed key words/phrases
    (3)two interactive activities in breakout rooms to share what you wrote and prepared for Pre-Task 3
    (4)one interactive activity on Chat to learn from peers
    (5)Mid-Autumn song 月亮代表我的心

    What do you feel about the online class? Do you welcome more online classes to accommodate your schedule/needs if necessary?

  5. Other thoughts



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Pre-Advanced Chinese (I): Explore China’s traditions and modernity Copyright © by Miao-Fen Tseng 曾妙芬 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.