
UNIT 1 第一单元

Day 5 真实性总结任务


ICE BREAKER 破冰活动—认识我的同学

Welcome to join the CHIN3010 learning community! It’s the beginning of the semester. You are so eager to get to know your classmates and their personal traits that may be similar to or different from you.  Now let’s get started with an ice breaker activity.


Step 1: Practice your self-introduction and get ready to introduce yourself on Day 5.

Step 2: Work in pairs to give your self-introduction. While listening to your peer’s self-introduction, take as many notes as you can in the following table. Please type Chinese characters. Type Pinyin if necessary. The table is for you to take notes in preparation for STEP 4. No need to submit the completed table.

Step 3: Change your partner and work in pairs again. Repeat Step 1.

Step 4: Refer to your notes and prepare for your responses to the following questions.

  1. 谁跟你很像?谁跟你很不一样?请最少说出三点一样的地方跟三点不一样的地方。
  2. 他们有什么优点是你可以学习的/值得(zhídé, worth of)你学习?为什么?
  3. 他们的价值观很特别吗?让你印象很深刻吗?为什么?


I.  Organization & Content (4 pts.)

4: highly relevant, well-organized with elaboration and details.
3: relevant, organized with some information.
2: somewhat relevant and organized with limited information.
1: irrelevant and disorganized with minimal information.

II.  Language Use (10 pts.)

9-10: Rich vocabulary and idiomatic expressions; various structures; a string of well-connected sentences
7-8: Some vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and structures; a string of connected sentences
5-6: Limited vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and structures in several complete sentences
1-4: Minimal language use in vocabulary and structures

III.  Engagement and Participation (3 pts.)

3: fully observed
2: partially observed
1: barely observed

IV.  Fluency (3 pts.)

3: Almost no pauses and hesitation; excellent pronunciation
2: Several pauses and hesitation; good pronunciation
1: Some pauses and hesitation; some incomprehensible pronunciation




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Pre-Advanced Chinese (I): Explore China’s traditions and modernity Copyright © by Miao-Fen Tseng 曾妙芬 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.