
Unit 3 第三单元

DAY 5 真实性总结任务




  1. 你离得开手机吗?你说一说你每天使用手机的情况。如果一天没有手机,你会怎么样?一个星期呢?
  2. 介绍一个你最喜欢的手机软件跟这个软件的功能(gōngnéng; function)。
  3. 使用手机有什么好处与坏处?
  4. 你认为什么是“无手机焦虑症”?你是否患有无手机焦虑症?有哪些焦虑的表现?请举例说明。
  1. 你认为有什么缓解手机焦虑的方法?你打算怎么改变你自己使用手机的习惯与方法?请介绍一下你想做什么样的改变。


害怕    培养兴趣爱好   为了    不知所措     提醒   社交媒体   限制  缓解   感到  甚至

查阅资料、获取信息  (感到)不知所措  无法  缓解   A跟B达成协议  向+人+寻求建议

专注于+st.  打发时间



I. Organization & Content (4 pts.)

4: highly relevant, well-organized with elaboration and details.

3: relevant, organized with some information.

2: somewhat relevant and organized with limited information.

1: irrelevant and disorganized with minimal information.

II. Language Use (10 pts.)

9-10: Rich vocabulary and idiomatic expressions; various structures; a string of well-connected sentences

7-8: Some vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and structures; a string of connected sentences

5-6: Limited vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and structures in several complete sentences

1-4: Minimal language use in vocabulary and structures

III. Engagement and Participation (3 pts.)

3: fully observed

2: partially observed

1: barely observed

IV. Fluency (3 pts.)

3: Almost no pauses and hesitation; excellent pronunciation

2: Several pauses and hesitation; good pronunciation

1: Some pauses and hesitation; some incomprehensible pronunciation




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Pre-Advanced Chinese (I): Explore China’s traditions and modernity Copyright © by Miao-Fen Tseng 曾妙芬 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.