
UDL Guidelines

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a curriculum design, development, and delivery framework used to create equitable, inclusive, and accessible learning environments. UDL assumes all learning environments are diverse and that all learners have variable learning needs. UDL works to design learning spaces (both physical and virtual) where all students can effectively learn, and demonstrate their learning, promoting learner agency that is purposeful and reflective, resourceful and authentic, strategic and action-oriented.


UDL principles are based on the three primary brain networks shown in the slides below:

  • Affective networks – The “why” of learning
  • Recognition networks – The “what” of learning
  • Strategic networks – The “how” of learning
This slide show describes key facts about the brain from a UDL perspective. To advance to the next slide, click the blue progress bar at the bottom of the image or the small arrow next to the 1/3 text.

(CAST, 2018)

Creating learning experiences that activate these three broad learning networks is a useful pursuit for educators as it works towards the goal of learner agency. In addition, the UDL framework reminds us that all brains are variable and that monolithic “learning styles” do not actually exist. Instead, we know that each brain is processing information in complex and variable interactions between the various networks of the brain.


CAST has identified a series of principles to guide design, development, and delivery in practice to address each of the different networks:

  • Design Multiple Means of Engagement
  • Design Multiple Means of Representation
  • Design Multiple Means of Action and Expression


Each principle contains guidelines (three for each principle, making nine in total) that emphasize learner diversity that could either present barriers to, or opportunities for, learning. The guidelines for each principle are as follows:

  • Design Multiple Means of Engagement
    • Design Options for Welcoming Interests & Identities
    • Design Options for Sustaining Effort & Persistence
    • Design Options for Emotional Capacity
  • Design Multiple Means of Representation
    • Design Options for Perception
    • Design Options for Language & Symbols
    • Design Options for Building Knowledge
  • Design Multiple Means of Action & Expression
    • Design Options for Interaction
    • Design Options for Expression & Communication
    • Design Options for Strategy Development

The guidelines are not prescriptive, but instead offer informed suggestions that can be used in any program, course or learning environment to support masterful learning and accurate assessment. Some post-secondary institutions use a streamlined version of the UDL framework to provide more flexibility for application (as shown below).

The video, What is UDL? [2:45] by Mohawk College (2019), explains how all of the UDL components work together.

Transcript of What is UDL? (PDF)Link downloads a document.

The UDL Guidelines (CAST)

Some UDL implementers prefer to use a PDF version of the UDL Guidelines 3.0 from CAST that offer additional considerations for each guideline. To learn more about the UDL Guidelines from CAST, consider reviewing the interactive version and accompanying resources on The UDL GuidelinesOpens in a new tab. website. The UDL Guidelines are consistently informed by user feedback and ongoing research, and the most recent version 3.0 was published in July 2024.

Activity 2: Reflect

Please reflect on and respond to one of the three questions below:
  • At this point, are there specific topics related to UDL that you would like to learn more about?
  • Is it possible to design a learning environment that works for all learners?
  • What is one thing you realize you have done in your past teaching that would not fit the UDL Guidelines?

You are invited to reflect in the way that works best for you, which may include writing, drawing, creating an audio or video file, mind map or any other method that will allow you to reflect and refer back to your thoughts.

Alternatively, a text-based note-taking space is provided below. Any notes you take here remain entirely confidential and visible only to you. Use this space as you wish to keep track of your thoughts, learning, and activity responses. Download a text copy of your notes before moving on to the next page of the module to ensure you don’t lose any of your work!


CAST (2018). UDL & the Learning Brain [Graphic]. https://www.cast.org/products-services/resources/2018/udl-learning-brain-neuroscience

CAST (2024). Universal design for learning guidelines version 3.0 [graphic organizer]. Lynnfield, MA: Author.

Mohawk College. (2019). Universal Design for Learning [Graphic]. http://www.mohawkcollege.ca/employees/centre-for-teaching-learning/universal-design-for-learning

Mohawk College. (2019). UDL with CTL [Video]. https://www.mohawkcollege.ca/employees/centre-for-teaching-learning/universal-design-for-learning

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Creating Inclusive and Accessible Learning Copyright © 2023 by Emily Scida is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.