
Applying UDL in the Delivery Phase 

Delivery phase of UDL flow diagram.

While it is hoped that you have been able to include UDL in your curriculum design and development sometimes, as educators, we do not have complete control over the content to be taught. If you have ever inherited a course, textbook selection, learning outcomes or assessment, you have been in this situation. While it is wonderful to be able to embed UDL into the curriculum design and development process, if you have not been able to, the UDL framework can make a significant impact to address issues of equity, inclusion and accessibility in the delivery phase.

Things to Consider

When delivering your instruction, think about:

  • Including interactive learning activities with multiple ways to participate
  • Providing support for notetaking
  • Giving space for learners to work collaboratively
  • Offering a variety of communication options for learners to connect with each other and to connect with educator(s)
  • Assessing knowledge and skills by including:
    • Assignments that offer some choices regarding how learners submit
    • Additional time or unlimited time for quizzes, tests, and exams
    • Feedback from peers and educator(s)
  • Providing interim due dates for large assessments and prompting learners about upcoming assessment(s)
  • Leveraging educational technologies or learning management systems for delivery of materials, key information and learning activities

What Educators Say

In UDL at Mohawk College [2:27], Lisa Pender, a Professor in the Liberal Studies Program, describes her UDL implementation and the impact of employing UDL on her and her learners.


Activity 4: Test your Knowledge

Now that you’re familiar with UDL implementation in the delivery phase, let’s test your knowledge! Link the UDL practice to the correct checkpoint(s) in the following 5 question quiz. To complete the quiz, choose the correct response, click the “check” button to check your answer, then use the blue arrow to advance to the next question. Repeat until all 5 questions are complete.

This activity is untimed, you may have as many attempts as you would like and your scores and/or attempts are not tracked.


Mohawk College Official. (2018, Oct 22). UDL at Mohawk College – Lisa Pender [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/9AqOnlL0K9k

Resources for Further Learning

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Creating Inclusive and Accessible Learning Copyright © 2023 by Emily Scida is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.